Yuta Orisaka


Orisaka Yuta (Vo, Gt, E Gt), Senoo Ricky (Dr), Miyata Azumi (Ba), Yamauchi Kota (E Gt)

A singer-songwriter born in Tottori and originally from Chiba.
The “10th anniversary of the music industry” was celebrated on 2023/6/30.

The album “Heisei,” which was born in 1981 and released by cutting through the times with an extremely private sensibility unique to Orisaka, received high praise, such as winning the CD Shop Award as a work representing 2018.

In 2019, “Morning Glory” was selected as the theme song for the Fuji TV Monday 9 o'clock drama “Medical Examiner Morning Glory,” and the theme song continued for season 2 of the same drama in 2020, and the mini album “Morning Glory” was released in March 2021.

The album “Psychology” was announced in October 2021, and their first hall tour was a success.

On 2022/5/13, the first exhibition “Yabu IN” was held at PARCO MUSEUM TOKYO, and the first book work of the same name “Yabu IN” was published. On 7/30, Yuta Orisaka (duet) appeared on GREEN STAGE at FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL '22. Last fall, the “Orisaka Yuta Tour 2022 Open Barn,” which goes around live houses all over the country, was held.

From 2023/6/30, I went solo on the tour “Orisaka Yuta Ride 2023.” Responsible for the theme song for the BS-TBS drama 23 “Tengu's Kitchen,” which was broadcast from 2023/10. This new song, which is the first in 2 years, was released as a distribution single in December.

Also, in addition to being in charge of TV commercial songs for Suntory Natural Water and Suntory Kaku Whiskey, he is also expanding his range of activities in providing music, such as producing his first movie theme song and drama accompaniment music for the movie “No Crying Child,” and in the movie “ONE PIECE FILM RED,” he is also in charge of writing and composing the lyrics for the movie “ONE PIECE FILM RED” in the movie “ONE PIECE FILM RED.”